Discover How Much Profit This Three-Phase,
Proven Sales System Can Add To Your Bottom Line

Dealers face more challenges to profitability today than ever before. In the increasingly competitive arena of the car business, it takes a multi-faceted training strategy to get the results you want.

The Car SalesStar System delivers the auto industry’s most targeted and comprehensive hand-on sales training. This tested system of sales and profit enhancement boils down to a simple, yet powerful three-punch formula: Strategy, Technique and Reinforcement. Each phase establishes a strong foundation for the next.

You get a superior return on your training dollars, with your sales pros generating greater sales and profits more quickly. Here’s a concise overview of the process…

Phase I: Strategy
Stellar Sales Performance Starts with
Team Evaluation and Recruitment

To get great results long-term, you need to attract, train and keep the right talent on your dealership sales team. The Car SalesStar System begins with evaluating exiting team member skills and current hiring practices. There are two reasons why…

First, every sales team has a range of potential. You have new hires and industry veterans. There are average performers, those who are struggling, and others who are top producers. Training needs are different for each group.

With the Car SalesStar System, seminar material is customized to precisely address the spectrum of sales issues your team is facing. By carefully selecting points of emphasis in the curriculum, you get training that deals with the specific problems challenging your people right now.

Second, every dealership has turnover. You’ll want to bring new people on board who are coachable…willing to learn, grow and continually upgrade their skills. The most successful sales professionals are highly motivated to learn and use effective selling procedures. Rich Cirami, creator of the Car SalesStar System, helps you identify and hire the best prospects.

Rich has a unique process to accomplish these objectives in the Strategy Phase. You can see a detailed outline of it here.

Phase II: Sales Technique
Proven Strategies Give Predictable Results

Auto sales professionals today have to deal with a more educated, price-savvy customer.
Fluency in sales fundamentals is the springboard to success on the showroom floor or pre-owned lot. Dealership owners and managers are frequently horrified by how deficient some salespeople are in even the most basic skills.

In the Technique Phase, Rich teaches sales strategies that work. One of the distinguishing factors that sets the Car SalesStar System apart from other training is Rich’s personal success as a car salesman, prior to managing dealerships. Year in and year out, he was a top performer…in every economy, for dealers large and small, in luxury and budget markets. What he teaches works.

See how comprehensive the sales training curriculum is here.

Phase III: Reinforcement
Vigilant Implementation =  
Higher Volume, Lower Turnover

Reinforcement means staying on top of people to make sure they consistently apply what they’ve learned and close deals consistently.

Your team gets ongoing accessibility and support from Rich. You’ll have a specific on-site follow-up schedule. Rich will come to your dealership to monitor and evaluate how well your sales pros are implementing the system. Then he will meet with you to report on their progress.

The Reinforcement Phase is one of the strengths of the Car SalesStar System. Nothing can replace hand-on expertise in solving dealership sales problems.

You can see more about what the Reinforcement module includes here.

Why you need all three of these
powerful, profit-producing modules…

It takes all three elements working together to produce superior results long-term. The most profitable dealerships are outstanding in all these areas, enjoying consistent sales and revenue growth.

Dealers who don’t integrate these three factors suffer disruptive cash flow peaks and valleys. Surprisingly, many sales training organizations today do not include coverage of them all on a continual basis. The Car SalesStar System does.  

Call Rich Cirami today at 212-205-3082 to put this powerful sales system to work for your dealership.

Get a FREE Training Test Drive here.

Copyright 2015 Richard A. Cirami